Digital Marketing Strategy Calls

Everyone can benefit from an outside perspective from time to time, particularly when you’re trying to find a solution to a difficult challenge or think outside the box.

A 1-on-1 Digital Marketing Strategy Call will give you specific, actionable advice about how to move forward with your organization’s website or digital marketing.

Book a 1-on-1 strategy call to share the challenge you’re facing, and get some concrete steps to guide your path forwards.

Here are some examples of topics I’ve explored on recent calls:

“I hate the way our website looks and we want to redesign it. But we’re not sure where to start.”

“We’re struggling to get more visibility for our organization in Google search and need help deciding whether to invest in SEO or paid ads.”

“We’re considering upgrading from Squarespace to a more customized WordPress website but aren’t sure if it’s worth the investment.”

How does a 1-on-1 call work?

It’s not too complicated. Use the scheduling form below to book a time, and we’ll send you a calendar invite with a Zoom link. We’ll also follow up with a few quick questions, so we can spend some time getting to know your organization and researching the challenges you’re facing before the call.

Then we’ll talk on the video call, and dig into the challenge you’re facing or the area you need advice. Since we’ll be on a video call, we’ll be able to share screens to look at your website together, or walk through other tools or tactics depending on the question we’re discussing.

Afterwards, we’ll share a recording of the video call for you to reference later, and we’ll share some written follow-up recommendations and action steps within a week.

How much does it cost?

A 1-on-1 Digital Marketing Strategy Call is $250. This includes:

  • the time we spent together on the video call discussing the challenges you want to address
  • preparation for the video call by researching your organization or business
  • providing you with a recording of the video call
  • providing you with written recommendations and action steps following the video call

Schedule your 1-on-1 digital strategy call:

Calls are 60 minutes and take place on Zoom.